If you say “1001 night” this will cover the impressions. Gold and many colors, glass or mirror pieces, mother-of-pearls. The big gold stupa, the other buildings heavy ornated, all are wonderful.
The palace is divided in 3 partes: the Outer Palace – where The Emerald Budha Temple is, The Middle Palace – where the most buildings are, and the Inner Palace – which was reserved for wifes, concubines and children, and no man was aloud at the beginning. As you may read about the Grand Palace on many blogs, on internet sites or in travel guide books, I will only say that the palace was constructed by King Rama I, on 1782 when Ratanakosin (actual Bangkok) became the capital of Siam.
Today I’ll present you the Middle Palace, so let’s go in.
Cred ca nu exista turist care, o data ajuns in Bangkok, sa nu viziteze Marele Palat. E un obiectiv obligatoriu, care prin bogatie si culoare nu te dezamageste. Nu pot decat sa repet cliseul “1001 de nopti”! Daca ai putea face abstractie de multimea din jurul tau, ai vedea-o aievea pe Seherezada plimbandu-se prin curtile acelea minunate. Da, stiu ca ea nu apartine acestui spatiu geografic, dar nimic nu poate exprima mai bine mirajul acestei resedinte regale.
Am ajuns la palat mergand cu barca pe Chao Praya si apoi strabatand mica piata de langa debarcaderul Tha Chang. Palatul se poate vizita intre 8-30-15.30. Biletul de intrare costa 400 bht, incluzand si intrarea la Palatul Vimanmek. Imediat ce am iesit din piata am vazut zidul alb care inconjoara palatul. In zona se mai afla cateva case in stil victorian, care confera un aer mai familiar.
S-a scris mult pe bloguri, autohtone si straine, despre acest obiectiv asa ca voi reduce la minim informatiile privind istoricul sau. Cine doreste sa stie mai mult, internetul si ghidurile de calatorie ii stau la dispozitie. Asadar: palatul este construit de Rama I, fondatorul dinastiei Chakri, in 1782 cand Ratanakosin (in prezent Bangkok) ajunge capitala Siamului. Palatul este divizat in 3: Palatul exterior, unde se gaseste Templul lui Budha de Samarald, Palatul de Mijloc – care cuprinde majoritatea cladirilor – si Palatul interior, dedicat reginelor, concubinelor si copiilor unde – initial – nu a fost permis accesul barbatilor.
Astazi va povestesc despre Palatul de Mijloc. Chiar l-a intrare, in fata unui altar care adaposteste relicve ale lui Budha, se afla figura unui pustnic, Rup Rishi. Privirile ne fug si spre cele sase perechi de demoni, Rup Yak.
Ne asalteaza numeroase detalii, care toate vor sa fie fotografiate…
O alta stupa este sprijinita de maimute si demoni de rang nobil (indicat de coroane), splendid colorati. In spatele ei se insira alte turnuri colorate si ornamentate. si o alta poarta pazita de demoni.
Pe terasa superioara, in jurul Pantheonului regal, ne-am intalnit si cu kinara si apsonsi, fapturile mitologice jumatate om – jumatate pasare sau jumatate om-jumatate leu.
This palace looks amazing with all these gorgeous details!
It IS amazing, Joo! Never seen such a place.
Oh so beautiful. I love everything esp the photos of the school kids. Nice to see your photo too. Have a nice day. 🙂
A nice day to you too, Rizalenio, and thanks for the comment!
I’m amazed you’re still sharing these grand photos from Thailand! The structures are breathtaking and I’m sure you enjoyed photographing Thailand!
Duncan In Kuantan
You are right, Duncan! Still more 2-3 posts and I will finish the Thailand theme.
so beautiful…thank you the tour! I was very drawn to the water lilies in a container…I want to do something like this on my patio!
Este un palat extraordinar, foarte rafinat .Culorile sunt deosebite iar arhitectura, nu mai vorbesc.
Thank you for your presence here, Theanne!
Urmatoarea postare prezinta partea mai moderna, curtea destinata femeilor si copiilor. Mai am 2-3 postari si inchei povestile despre Thailanda:)
All I can say is “wow”! I see why it is called the Grand Palace, for indeed it is grand :^) Glad you are able to visit Budapest. Hope you can get some pictures :^)
Your photos are fantastic!!!
I was there and i know how wonderful is, this place!
Thanks you for interesting informations!
Many greetings and kisses
Thank you, Doug! I’ve been in Budapest many times (4 hours drive from my town), and I also wrote on my blog about it. Of course I’ll try to take some photos:) We have Saturday at disposal to wander, as the flight is scheduled on Sunday morning.
Thanks for the comment on the Grand Palace!
Thank you, Magda!
Amazing Thailand !
I am showing all your pictures to a fried that is planning a trip to Thailand: she is overwhelmed!
Right, Wong!
I am glad, VP, if she may pick up some ideeas for her trip!
the palace does look amazingly beautiful. love the intricate details.
What are nevertheless a colorful temples, buildings and statues. Really very impressive and prachtgie photos.
Greetings, Helma
It is beautiful indeed, Life Ramblings!
Thanks you, Helma, very much!