Cavtat is situated 20 km south-east from Dubrovnik. You can reach the town by car or by air, using the Cilipi airport, located at 3 km from Cavtat. The most important objectives are: the old town, a baroque church and a franciscan one, the Mausoleum built by the wellknown sculptor Ivan Mestrovic in the cemetery, up the hill. A very nice promenade, full of caffes and restaurants invites the tourists to stay longer in this exquisite town from Sustjepan peninsula. Its history goes back to 6th century BC. The old historic books tell us about Ragusavecchia, the old name of Cavtat. It’s a very nice place for a wonderful vacation. Wouldn’t you agree?
Cavtat este cel mai sudic oras pe litoralul dalmat. Aici este, de fapt, locul anticului Epidaurus, fondat de greci in secolul VI i.e.n si devenit Epidaurum, sub stapanirea romana, care a dainuit pana la venirea slavilor si a avarilor, in jurul anului 620. Atunci, parte din populatie s-a refugiat la Ragusa, actualul Dubrovnik. In scrierile istorice, Cavtat este amintit drept Ragusavecchia, ceea ce indica relatia apropiata intre cele doua centre.
Noi am ajuns prima data acolo cu un vaporas, de la Dubrovnik (40 kn). Drumul, paralel riviera Zupa Dubrovacka, iti ofera ocazia sa vezi din larg toate micile localitati-statiuni care se insira pe coasta: Serebro, Mlini, Plat si sa admiri panorama Alpilor Dinarici. Cavtat se afla la cca. 20 km sud-est de Dubrovnik, drum care poate fi parcurs cu masina in mai putin de 45 de minute. De asemenea, la cca. 3 km de aici se afla aeroportul de la Cilipi, care deserveste Dubrovnikul, legatura cu aeroportul fiind asigurata de un autobuz.
In port, de-a lungul tarmului, o frumoasa promenada, cu pini si palmieri, cu numeroase restaurante si cafenele, invita turistul sa zaboveasca. De aici se organizeaza excursii la insulele mai apropiate: Elaphite si Mjiet.
Din port, urcand pe trepte de piatra, pe stradute inguste, te pierzi in orasul vechi, de un farmec aparte.
Cand ai ajuns sus, poti merge in cimitirul orasului, sa admiri Mausoleul construit in 1921 de sculptorul national Ivan Mestrovici, pentru bogata familie de armatori Racic. Constructia este in stil Art Nouveau si poate fi vazuta atat de pe mare cat si din diverse puncte ale orasului. Tot acolo, in apropiere, la Sv. Rok, exista o capela veche din secolul al XV-lea. In oras se mai afla o biserica baroc si una franciscana.
In jurul Peninsulei Sustjepan, pe care este construit orasul, numeroase plaje ascunse in golfuri pietroase, atrag iubitorii de soare si apa. Apusurile sunt minunate, vazute de aici. Cine nu doreste neaparat un loc foarte cunoscut sau aglomerat, poate petrece la Cavtat o vacanta minunata.
Ceea ce are deosebit Cavtatul este lumina blanda si apusurile minunate. Nu vi-ar placea un concediu aici?
I’ve never been to this country before but these are an inspiring set of pictures to tempt the potential visitor.
I’m glad, J-on-TOUR, you liked them. May be you will be such a visitor, to convince yourself 🙂
Deocamdata visez la zapada, dar mi-ar placea sa imi petrec o particica din vara in Cavtat. Planuisem la un moment dat o excursie in Dubrovnik, dar s-a anulat.Daca voi ajunge insa, voi merge si in Cavtat, acum ca am aflat de existenta sa.
i couldn’t agree more with you. it looks like a beautiful and wonderful place to visit. great shots especially the sunset. have a wonderful weekend.
Superbe fotografiile din orasul vechi!
Awesome photos which reflect beauty of this country perfectly!
By the way, have you ever tried to book via owners direct or holiday letting? Good websides with very interesting offer!
Have anice saturday:)
These pictures are AMAZING,
i like this very much.
Have a nice weekend,
Greetings, Joop
Beautiful photos …
VertAnge, Croatia este o tara care poate fi foarte bine explorata cu masina. Soselele sunt excelente, cazare s egaseste, mancarea e foarte buna iar locurile sunt minunate.
Thank you, Life Ramblings! Have a nice weekend too!
Amelia si Mihai, multumesc pentru apreciere.
Yes, Joo, I booked also directly with the owners but seldom. Holiday letting, no. It semed to expensive for me and I think it is better suited for a small group.
Thanks, JoopZand! A nice weekend to you too!
JOTA ENE, thanks for visiting my blog and for the appreciation!
Any idea about the name of the five masted sail ship?
Sorry, VP, no.
Foarte frumos!!!
Multumesc, Andras.
Foarte frumoase peisaje. Pare superba Croatia
You had me at those sunset images. Your 4th image stunned me, it seems like goddesses live in that place. The abundance of white houses and buildings, and the blue seas and skies remind me of images in Santorini, Greece.
Again, Cavtat is new to my ears. Based from your wonderful photographs, the place is like Italy and Greece combined. Very very beautiful.
I’ll start to save now. Soon, I’ll be here. Thanks for this photo tour again. 🙂
Sorry to see so late your comment, Rizalenio! Cavtat is but a little town but the charm of Croatian sealine is really a combination between Greece and Italy…and cheaper too!