O alta China: Hong Kong 7. Piete stradale speciale din HK

Din spectaculozitatea HK face parte categoric si culoarea! Orice ai face, oriunde te-ai duce, totul e plin de culoare. M-am convins de acest lucru vizitand unele piete stradale ale orasului. Am mers sa le caut in Kowloon, in zona statiei MRT Prince Edward. Cele de haine, precum  Piata Fa Yuen  nu mi-au atras prea mult atentia.

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Insa acolo, aproape, se afla Piata de Flori pe care m-am dus sa o vad. Sunt de fapt multe magazine mici, care se intind pe vreo 2-3 stradute si si-au extins spatiul de vanzare in strada. Este foarte multa lume. Nu stiu daca intotdeauna e asa sau apropierea Anului Nou Chinezesc este prilej de a cumpara flori. Predominante sunt orhideele, in tot felul de culori dar vad aici si flori pe care nu le cunosc si care imi atrag atentia prin ineditul lor. Nu lipsesc nici bambusii norocosi, dar la mare cautare sunt tot felul de aranjamente cu un fel de gutui galbene, care nu stiu ce sunt.  Desigur, si aici se vand tot felul de ornamente pentru Anul Nou, obligatoriu rosii. Pe deasupra zumzetului continuu al vocilor,  pluteste mireasma de nedescris a atator flori adunate laolalta.

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Cred ca v-ati prins deja ca sunt o mare amatoare de flori si nu m-as prea da dusa din aceasta zona, dar, la capatul strazii, imi sare in ochi indiciul apropierii unei alte piete interesante, Piata de Pasari sau Gradina Pasarilor, cum i se mai spune. I se spune asa pentru ca nu este o simpla piata unde oamenii vin sa cumpere pasari, colivii si tot ce le mai trebuie acestora, ci un pitoresc loc de intalnire al barbatilor mai in varsta care, asa cum noi scoatem cainii la plimbare, vin sa-si aduca aici favoritele. Agata coliviile in pomi sau pe bare special facute si stau la taclale. Ne plimbam prin piata, admirand coloritul penajelor sau iscusinta mesterilor de colivii. Asa cum mai inainte ne-am imbatat cu mirosul florilor, acum ne desfatam urechile cu trilurile pasarilor. Totusi, cand parasesc piata, coliviile sunt cele care imi staruie mai mult in minte…Pasarelele acestea platesc cu libertatea talentul lor de cantarete si parca m-as fi simtit mai bine sa le stiu libere…

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Desi foarte animate, cele doua piete sunt oaze placute ale orasului in care, daca v-ati plictisit de zgarie nori, va puteti petrece agreabil ceva timp.

A Different China: Hong Kong   7. Special Street Markets in HK

Colors are part of the spectacular HK! And where could you find more colors than at the street markets? So I went to visit two special street markets in HK: the Flower Market and the Birds’ Market. Both of them are to be found in Kowloon, not far from the MRT Prince Edward Station, exit B1.

When you come out of the station, you begin to see people with flowers in their arms. It’s so near! The Flower Market represents, in fact, a lot of small shops, which extended their businesses on the street. The best represented here were the orchids and the lucky bamboos but also a lot of flowers I do not now. The smell in the air is wonderful! When you come to the end of the street, you will see signs for the Bird Garden, it’s the name they call the Birds’ Market. Many elder men come here with their birds (like we walk our dogs). They hang the cages on the trees or special bars, and then chat endlessly. Different kinds of parrots are for sale here but also other kind of birds. They are singing and, if you close your eyes, you can imagine you are in a forest. I only felt sad they are all in cages…

In this area there are also other street markets like the Goldfish Market (selling fishes for the aquaria), clothes markets like Fa Yuen Market or street food markets like Temple Market.


O alta China: Hong Kong 7. Piete stradale speciale din HK — 16 Comments

  1. Hi, Travelling Hawk and thanks for coming back to my blog. I’ve just spent a while at looking your latest posts. I’ve never made it to Hong Kong and so far in the south of China , although I’m regularly travelling there. I also wish to travel Uzbekistan someday and dare not to check your pictures so much, as i wish to keep some “discovery” feeling if ever I go there someday.

    • Hi, Arnaud! Thank you for the visit and comment. It’s worth to visit that part of China because you have the opportunity to see two different faces: in HK and Macao. They are different in many aspects. As concerns Uzbekistan, yes, you have to discover it by yourself:)

  2. Din piata de flori nu as mai fi plecat… 🙂 Minunat totul, iar culorile alea sunt incredibile. Cata frumusete, orhideele sunt atat de delicate, imi plac tare mult.

    • Totul a fost placut acolo, asa e. In general, nu ma pot plange ca as fi ales sa vad ceva unde nu mi-a placut:) Sa ai o saptamana frumoasa, Dani!

  3. Beautiful and colorful birds. It is sad that they are caged, they are big birds, they would prefer to fly freely. What is the yellow coned shaped plant?
    So you too have changed to WP, I can’t understand why many people find this site better, although I never liked it from the very beginning.

    • I really do not know, rama! But it looks great.

      Well, it seems I wanted more facilities, and my daughter made me a present:)

  4. Yes, you are right, all the vibrant colors are spectacular! The bird garden is fascinating, and I can imagine the songs and calls they make, like in the rain forest, but I too feel bad for the caged birds.

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