Pe Drumul Matasii in Uzbekistan 22. Chasma Ayub si Moscheea Magoki Attori

Nu departe de hotelul nostru si bazarele acoperite, se afla unul dintre cele mai vechi monumente ale Buharei, Moscheea Magoki Attori. Acesta este un monument pre-Islamic, construit pe locul unui templu pagan, inchinat lui Sin, zeul Lunii.

Moscheea Magoki Attori
Inainte insa, se afla aici o piata, unde se vindeau idoli si plante medicinale (attari).


  “Magok” inseamna “intr-o groapa” si se refera la faptul ca moscheea se afla sub nivelul solului. Portalul, construit in 1549, care se afla pe o fatada asimetrica, reprezinta o capodopera a arhitecturii islamice timpurii din Buhara. In aceasta moscheea se desfasurau si serviciile religioase ale evreilor din oras. In prezent, aici se gaseste un Muzeu al covoarelor, deschis in 1991.
 Moscheea Magoki Attori
In apropierea Mausoleului lui Ismail Samani se afla Chasma Ayub, constructie legata de biblicul Iov (Ayub in araba), care a batut in pamant cu bastonul sau si a descoprit un izvor cu apa buna de baut. Ea a fost refacuta de mai multe ori, forma de astazi – caracterizata printr-un dom conic, neobisnuit pentru zona Buharei – datand din secolul al 16-lea. Izvorul de apa tamaduitoare, gasit de Iov, se afla si astazi in interiorul care gazduieste in prezent un Muzeu al Resurselor de Apa.
 Chasma Ayub
Unul dintre locurile interesante vizitate in oras a fost si un atelier de ceramica locala unde, pe langa prilejul de a-i vedea pe mesteri la munca, am putut vizita si un mic muzeu al acestei familii care, de sase generatii, prelucreaza lutul.
 in atelier
 cuptor pentru ars
On the Silk Road in Uzbekistan 22. Chasma Ayub and Magoki Attori Mosque

Near the Mausoleum of Ismail Samani, Chasma Ayub reminds us of the Job’s well from the Bible (Jobis Ayub in Arabic). This construction has been renewed more times, last time in the 16th century. The conic dome is unusual for Bukhara, and comes from the 12th century. There is a Museum of Water Supplies inside.

Not far from our hotel, the Magoki Attori Mosque is one of the oldest monument in Bukhara. It was constructed in the place of a pagan temple, dedicated to Siun, the god of the moon. This one stayed on the place were once a market for idols, medicines and herbs (“attori”means “herb”) was. It is believed that Jews worshiped together with Muslims in this mosque. The name of “magok” means “in the pit”, because the mosques is under the soil level. The portal is a masterpiece representative for the

Islamic architecture, and it was added in the 16th century. A Museum of the Carpet has been open inside, on 1991.

We also visited a local ceramic workshop, which runs in the family for six generations.


Pe Drumul Matasii in Uzbekistan 22. Chasma Ayub si Moscheea Magoki Attori — 14 Comments

  1. Soo beautiful..god i want to travel like this!!Soo many good things you have seen..and soo many good things the earth has to show us..really really beautiful!!

  2. What have you seen the world yet many an Traveling Hawk and what you leave us there nice of them enjoy. My history and culture begins to rise quite so. Very informative and beautiful pictures of the buildings and ceramics.

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