Pe drumul de circa 330 km de la Bikaner la Jaisalmer, ne-am mentinut multa vreme pe la marginea desertului. Vegetatia, tot mai putina, pare ca stapaneste cu greu nisipul adus de vant spre sosea. Trec pe langa noi furnale conice in care se ardeau caramizi, altare si temple, oameni care se deplaseaza pe jos.
Am facut o oprire scurta la Pokaran, asezare mica, care a fost pusa pe harta lumii de experientele nucleare facute aici de catre India, in 1998. Localitatea e saracacioasa si nu are nimic de oferit turistului. Ca si pana acum, spectacolul strazii este cel care o face interesanta si ii da culoare.
Cu 110 km pana la Jaisalmer ne-am oprit insa ca sa vizitam fortul micut, comparativ cu celelalte pe care le-am vazut, construit in perioada dintre secolele XIV si XVI. Interiorul este sarac, avand doar exponate de folosinta personala a familiei conducatoare. De acest fort depindeau 108 sate din imprejurimi. Ghidul care ne insotea nu a avut prea multe de spus, dorea doar sa castige si el un ban cinstit…Intrarea in acest loc care nu este asaltat de turisti, costa doar 50 Rp de persoana, iar pentru aparatul de fotografiat se platesc tot 50 Rp.
Si acest fort este inconjurat de un zid puternic, prevazut cu bastioane de aparare, care inconjoara o prima curte, exterioara, unde Bhawar a ramas sa ne astepte, cu masina.
A doua curte interioara este un spatiu plin cu flori de Bougainvillea, care inveselesc peisajul. Aici este partea cea mai ingrijita a fortului deoarece face trecerea spre un haveli restaurat si transformat in hotel, lipit de fort. Tot acolo se afla si o piscina pentru oaspetii hotelului.
Cum intram in a treia curte, cea de ceremonii, lucrurile se schimba. Aici, ziduri goale si ferestre oarbe ne indica gradul de abandon al fortului, pentru circuitul turistic.
Pe o scara ingusta, urcam la etaj unde, in cateva incaperi, sunt expuse acele cateva obiecte casnice despre care am pomenit mai sus, nici prea aratoase, nici prea valoroase si oricum greu de fotografiat datorita luminii insuficiente. Tot aici, se afla si un mic altar, pazit de o femeie care trage snurul unui fel de evantai fixat pe tavan, asteaptand si ea 10 Rp de la putinii vizitatori…
Inconjuram etajul, avand, din loc in loc, perspective spre mici curti interioare.
Cam asta e tot! Parasim fortul cu un gust amar de “sic transit gloria mundi” (astfel trece gloria lumii), fiindca, oricat de mic si neinsemnat astazi, candva si acest loc s-a bucurat de stralucire, a generat respect sau teama. E vremea sa ajungem si la Jaisalmer…
Stories of Rajahsthan 12. The Fort of Pokaran
Pokaran is a small village, known in the world especially for the nuclear experiments which India performed here on 1998. There are 330 km between Bikaner and Jaisalmer. We are passing by sand and arid land, furnaces in which bricks are burned, shrines and temples, people walking near the road,
Even if Pokaran itself is a small place, it was the street life which made it interesting, as elsewhere. Ww visit here the small fort, built between XIVth – XVIth centuries. Few tourists come here and, may be this explains the state of the structure. The haveli nearby has been renovated and transformed into a hotel, and this makes it more well-groomed. The interior of the fort is rather shabby. Still, back in the history, 108 villages depended on this fort. But now only little details demonstrate its gone brilliance. What I liked best here were the Bougainvillea flowers, flooding the second inner courtyard, which also leads to the hotel. After this short stop it’s time for us to head to Jaisalmer. There are still 110 km to drive…
Ouuuu, very interestind travel and so amazing photos !!!
Have a good week
Aproape te invidiez pentru locurile frumoase despre care povestesti aici!
Another great set of images!
Yes, Magda, the travel was very interesting. Thanks for visitng.
N-au intrat zilele in sac pentru tine, Liliana. La mine e altceva…
Are you beginning to change your ideea about my travel target, VP?
Felicitari pentru postari!Intr-adevar India e incredibila, imi doresc sa ajung si eu o data in viata asta in India… .Pana atunci te urmaresc in continuare si te invit sa dai un ochi si pe blogul meu.
Multumesc, Claudia. Iti doresc sa ti se implineasca visul. Ma voi uita pe blogul tau.
Foarte frumos! Imi place contrastul dintre zidurile si drumurile rosiatice si sariurile stralucitoare ale indiencelor.
Beautiful pictures from a part of the world I should love to visit.
Wish you a great week:-)
Sariurile sunt elegante, VertAnge, din orice material ar fi si “construiesc” o silueta deosebita.
Thank you, Per Ove! May be you will have the opportunity to visit that country one day.
You can’t even imagine how much I would love to visit India! Fascinating places and fascinating photos! The fifth photo is a stunner.
I love this series of photographs. The last one is by far my favorite. I wonder what she was thinking.
India it’s a great country, Joo, and has something to offer for everybody.
You only need to choose your destination.
Yes, Randy, it is like she is acting…it makes you think…
istorie, saracie si multa culoare. e fascinat cum se imbina toate trei trasaturile intr-un astfel de loc.
What seems to be a small town but with beautiful architectural elements… and wonderful street activities captured.
Ca peste tot in India vizitata de mine, pharaonx…
Thank you, Wong! It’s important, coming from you, who are such a great photographer.
Locuri minunate unde te duci, super!!!
Ma bucur ca iti place, Andras! Mai urmareste, ca nu am terminat
Was so busy the past few days (til now) and wasn’t able to read your entries, and enjoy your photographs.
Glad that I got time now because looking at your works and reading your entries are like sipping a warm delicious tea, very relaxing.
Love all your photos. Will read more your past entries.
Have a nice week ahead, my friend.
Thank you, Rizalenio, enjoy!
I’m here at this post again. I love the photo with doves flying, and the framing are really amazing.
It seems there are so many doves everywhere in the places I visited. I liked them too and I tries “to catch” them whenever I could.
can’t wait to plan out my trip to India this April. crossing my fingers the trip pushes through.
I wish you luck, Pinoy Boy!
It was surprising to see the flowers half way through the post. Some really nice photos in this set.
Actually the whole place was animated by those flowers!