Povestiri din Rajahsthan 32. Bundi

In ziua de Craciun am plecat, dimineata la 8, spre Bundi, urmatoarea noastra escala pe drumul lung al Rajahstanului. Pe drum, am facut o mica oprire intr-un complex cochet, construit nu departe de sosea si pazit de doi militari. Aici se afla cateva mici magazine care desfac produse artizanale dar si alte lucruri care ar putea atrage turistii. Spatiul este frumos amenajat, in mod traditional si o gradina-restaurant ofera racoare si un meniu atragator eventualilor clienti. Cand am fost noi acolo nu erau alti vizitatori. Locul se numeste Manvar si poate constitui o oprire placuta, de jumatate de ora – o ora.

La marginea orasului am vazut o multime de motociclisti care se intorceau in satele lor dupa ce au vandut laptele, transportat in bidoane frumoase, din alama. Bhawar ne spune ca foarte putini turisti occidentali se abat prin Bundi. In toamna a mai fost aici cu un belgian.

Desi abia trece de 85000 de locuitori, Bundi a fost o data capitala unui stat Rajput important, care a ramas independent pana in 1947. Cunoscutul autor al Cartilor junglei, Kypling, s-a retras o vreme aici, ca sa scrie. Orasul pare unul dinamic, judecand dupa oamenii preocupati care trec pe langa masina noastra. Intram in oras si ne indreptam spre unul dintre obiectivele sale, Rani ki Baori.

Despre baori, acele puturi pentru apa, cu trepte, vi-am povestit deja in postarea despre Mandawa, la inceputul acestui ciclu. In Bundi exista cam 50 de asemenea constructii, iar Rani ki Baori este considerat cel mai frumos. El a fost construit de catre regina Rani Nathawat Ji, sotia lui Raja Anirudh Singh. Ei i se mai datoreaza 21 de asemenea puturi. Acesta a fost construit in 1699, in timpul domniei fiului sau, Raja Budh Singh si are 3 etaje. Nu mai este folosit dar poate fi vizitat. Monumentul este pazit dar nu exista taxa de intrare. Nu se poate cobori chiar pana jos (are o adancime de 46 m), o plasa de sarma tinandu-te la distanta. Fotografiile le-am facut printre ochiurile ei.

Rani ki Baori
terasa care inconjoara putul

Vizitam in continuare Palatul din Bundi, dupa care mergem sa ne cazam. Despre palat va voi povesti intr-o postare separata. Dupa ce ne-am cazat, desi soarele se pregatea deja sa apuna, am mai iesit putin in preajma hotelului, sa vedem cum arata orasul vechi, cel de la poalele palatului.

Sunt aici mai multe haveli, tansformate in hoteluri, cu nelipsitele restaurante pe acoperis. Locul e pasnic, oamenii nu sunt agresivi, nu vor sa-ti vanda neaparat ceva si nici nu te fixeaza, ca in alte parti. Cu alte cuvinte, un loc in care, desi am stat doar jumatate de zi, m-am simtit foarte bine.

Pe stradute mici, inguste si colorate ajungem pe cea care duce spre palat dar noi o luam in sens opus.

un mic altar
lumea moderna a ajuns si aici

Vedem o statuie mare a unui elefant si citim pe tabla alaturata ca aceasta este statuia lui Siva Prasad, elefantul pe care a luptat cu bravura Rav Raju. La moartea sa, in 1707,  stapanul i-a ridicat acest monument.

statuia elefantului Siva Prasad
Casele sunt mici, cu un nivel si in fata cu pravalioare de tot felul. Intre ele, se intercaleaza mici temple sau altare. Vedem si o spalatorie eficienta, unde rufele sunt spalate si calcate in doua ore, utilizandu-se diviziunea muncii: femeia spala si barbatul calca!
totul la vedere: femeia spala si barbatul calca

Inainte de a ne intoarce la hotel, am mai stat putin pe malul lacului artificial Nawal Sagar, aflat nu departe de el. Se mai poate vedea, pe lac, un mic templu parasit, inchinat lui Varuna, zeul soarelui.

Templul lui Varuna
vedere spre Fortul Taragarh si Palatul din Bundi

Oboseala unei alte zile pline isi spune cuvantul si ne intoarcem la hotel. Ultimul lucru care imi retine atentia este un copac inalt, cu un trunchi alb, frumos, care imbratiseaza zidurile unei cladiri.

Stories of Rajahsthan 32. Bundi

On the first day of Christmas we left Udaipur, and went to Bundi. On our way we stopped, beside Chittorgarh, to a small place near the road, named Manvar. The place was encircled by a wall and it was guarded by 2 militaries. There were little shops inside with souvenirs, a small terrace and round houses for accommodation. A nice but deserted place. Not a single soul was there, beside the personnel. What a waste! 

When we were already at the entrance to Bundi, my attention got caught by the nice vessels some guys have on their motorcycles. Bhawar, the driver, told us they carry the milk in those vessels. 

Bundi left me the impression of a dynamic location, in spite of the population which is little over 85000 inhabitants. The first place we visited there was the Rani ki Baori, a stepwell with 3 levels. It was constructed in 1699 by Maharani Nathawat Ji.The visit is free.

After check-in we went to see a part of  the old city, were we stayed. Some nice havelis turned into hotels, shrines and temples, and even a statue dedicated to Siva Prasad elephant by his loving owner, the great warrior Rav Raju.

On our way back to the hotel, we rest a little near the artificial Nawal Sagar lake, where one may see an old temple dedicated to the Sun God, Varuna.

A special mention to be made: here, at Bundi, retreated for a while Rudyard Kipling, to write.


Povestiri din Rajahsthan 32. Bundi — 32 Comments

  1. The first six photos show a beautiful place. I want to stay there.

    Very interesting vessels for their milk.

    The last two photos are like the tree roots in Cambodia. Amazing how they grow and attached with those walls.

  2. Yes, that place reminds me of the resort in Mandawa, where we stayed for the night. It is very green and full of flowers.

    I liked that tree, the white texture embraced the house.

  3. Another great photo series with great interest!!!
    I’m sorry, I don’t know what happened eith translator, but I tried it and it worked as always.
    Please tell my again, if there is still problem..
    Thank you

  4. Ziceam de Bucuresti ca este un oras plin de oaradosuri dar nici cu India nu mi-e rusine.

    Am trecut sa iti las o zambila cu ocazia zilei de 8 Martie si sa iti spun “La multi ani!”

  5. It is an “Autonomous Monastic State” in Greece, the peninsula of Mount Athos
    religiously covered the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople.
    It is very ethnic, historical, religious, office and cultural value.
    He has twenty (20) monasteries, cloisters, cells and hermitages.

    It is the most beautiful of the three peninsulas of Halkidiki.
    Ships bound for Mount Athos, accompanying seagulls and dolphins.

    All photos are from the Internet because as a woman I can not visit in this wonderful place of serenity and prayer.
    Ships carrying pilgrims and monks of Mount Athos, ranging from the stairs of the Tower of Ouranoupoli.

    In Greek coffee, fresh water and marshmallows, the monks welcome visitors to Mount Athos.

    These magnificent architectural dedicated to prayer and worship of God for more than a thousand years. In 885 the Byzantine Emperor Basil A declared the peninsula of Athos, the exclusive property of the monks and hermits.
    The first organized monastery was founded in 963.A century later, ordered that “any female person” would not be allowed to violate its sanctity. This is called AVATON force today.
    The only men are allowed by special permit.
    For women there are cruises that begin and last Ouranoupoli -3 – hours from the Bay of the Virgin are daily and include traditional food and dancing on board.
    Of course, cruise ships do not reach the shore of Mount Athos.


    The peninsula of Athos, length 40 mm, width 8-10 mm and spans 350 square miles.
    In the center of the peninsula formed an extensive mountain range, after which dominates Mount Athos, with an altitude of 2033 m.
    The vegetation on Mount Athos is dense, wild and unspoiled.
    In this unique natural environment, there are ancient trees, some 2,000 species of trees, plants and herbs and a rich fauna, with equally interesting flora. We meet almost all animals and birds that exist in Greece.


    It is the capital of Mount Athos, at least since the 10th century!
    Central Church of Karyes Protaton is where the miraculous icon of the Virgin Mary Axion Esti.

    Interior of the monastery, where there are mosaics, frescos, paintings, wood carvings, ceramics, embroidery, relics monasteries, thousands of sacred objects, rare icons and libraries with thousands of precious manuscripts and books.
    Mount Athos is characterized as a “refuge”and “museum ” unique treasure, Greek Art and Literature.


    Location rocky, arid and rugged. Caves on the wild cliffs of Mount Athos, home to the most rigorous practitioners.
    The name came from the pulley (pulley) away from where the monks hung a basket and the fishermen left their bread, fish and anything else.
    Then they used nets to lift people and materials.
    Today there are ten (10) huts which were built in the 17th century and inhabited by monks engaged in painting, wood carving and other handiwork.

    I hope the translation is good for you !!!

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