
2010blacksea (at)


Contact — 10 Comments

  1. Buna ziua,
    As dori sa stiu daca sunteti dispusa sa acceptati Guest Post-uri pentru un site ce este pe nisa turism.
    Daca sunteti dispusa va rog sa-mi spuneti care sunt conditiile dumneavoastra:
    numar de cuvinte,
    numar de link uri,
    Multumesc frumos pentru antentia dumnevoastra!

    • Buna seara.

      Va rog sa folositi adresa mea de e-mail, notata mai sus, pentru a comunica mai in detaliu.

      O seara placuta!

  2. Hi, How are you?
    Haven’t heard from you for a long time.
    Are you busy travelling?
    I know you had moved to wordpress, and I had come to your blogs for sometime, afterwards I somehow lost touch with you. However, I keep thinking about you off and on.
    We are going on tour to central Europe on September 14th starting from Frankfurt. We would be visiting Hungary, Poland, Slovakia , Austria and of course a few places in Germany.
    Hope to hear from you soon. Be well, and do keep in touch, I too will.

    • Dear Rama,

      I’m really ashamed that I have not visited your blog for so long! But, as yourself, I kept to think to you from time to time, deciding I will read your posts but everytime something interfered.

      I retired last year, on September, but during the current academic year I still used to teach few hours/week. Now, starting this month I decided to stay at home for good. This means that I spent one and a half month, with my husband, to our cabin in the mountains. We took some trips to around the country (I just scheduled some posts about them)

      On May I have been with a friend in Singapore, Bali (Ubud) and Malaysia. Visitng the temples in Bali was a great experience, which I enjoyed very much.

      Tommorow I’m leaving for Greece, staying on the Evia Island for 3 weeks. We are driving to Greece. I also plan to visit Delphi in this tour.

      When I come back, I will make time to visit your blog, step by step, as I have much to read now:)

      I wish you all the best, have nice days during September.

      Hugs from Romania,

  3. Buna seara, doamna!

    In urma modernizarii blogului (am trecut de la platforma Blogger la platforma WordPress si am adus multe alte imbunatatiri noului blog), domeniul va da ortu’popii in luna mai anul curent. Toate linkurile acestui domeniu sunt redirectionate in acest moment catre noul domeniu:

    De aceea va rog, daca se poate, sa modificati domeniul in

    Va multumesc anticipat pentru modificare si va doresc sa aveti o zi impecabila!

    Florin Badulescu

  4. Buna ziua,
    Calatorii dumneavoastra sunt minunate!
    Tin mine ca in primul anul de facultate m-ati prins cu un ghid turistic pe care il rasfoiam la ora dvs. si in loc sa ma dati afara sau ma certati pentru ca nu eram atenta la curs, ati inceput sa ma intrebati despre acea destinatie si sa vorbim despre calatorii. Asa ne-am petrecut pauza si o buna bucata din cursul urmator. Va multumesc tare mult si sper ca drumurile noastre sa se mai intersecteze si cu alta ocazie. Calatorii frumoase va doresc! Miruna

    • Mulțumesc, Miruna, pentru aprecieri și…amintiri! Iti doresc și eu multe excursii frumoase, care să-ți îmbogățească mintea și sufletul!

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