Thassos revizitat 1. Generalitati /Thassos Revisited 1. Generalities

On June, 27, 2010 I started this blog with a post named “Thassos – The Esmerald and Marmor Island”. You mai see (again) this post here:  Then we lived in Limenas, the capital of the island. This year, on May, we revisited Thassos, staying in Astris, the most southern point of the island.

Being at the beginning, and wanting to blog about so many places, I didn’t continue my story about Thassos. So, now, I will intermingle some memories of 2010 (noting under the photos), but I will tell you mainly about this year trip.

The places in Greece where one has the most chances to meet Romanians are Paralia Katerini, Halkidiki and the Thassos Island (not necessarily in this order). I started to visit Greece (2005) from Paralia Katerini by chance. As I took the decision very late, no other places have been available at the travel agency. But I stayed only one day there, the rest of the time leaving on different trips. After that, in love with Greece, I visited the Corfu and Lefkada islands, and also Skiathos island (one day trip from Paralia Katerini) and Rhodos town (one day trip from Marmaris, Greece). Thassos followes on 2010, revisited some months ago. Another trip was planned for September this year but I renounced in the last moment. I choosed instead a surprise trip. You will be able to read about it in the second half of September.

On our way to Thassos, we tried to visit the antique Phillipi (near Kavala) but the winter schedule (still in operation on May)made the attempt impossible. We take revenge, eating souflaki at a local tavern, and then we hurried to the ferry in Keramoti.

La 27 iunie 2010 incepeam acest blog cu o postare intitulata “Thassos-insula de smarald si marmura”.  O puteti (re)vedea aici:  Atunci am locuit in Limenas, capitala insulei. In luna mai a acestui an am revizitat Thassos, mutandu-ne “tabara de baza” in sud, in satul Astris.
In graba de a povesti despre Tunisia, pe care am vizitat-o dupa Thassos, nu am scris mai mult in 2010. Aici voi povesti despre vizita recenta, din luna mai a acestui an si – unde va fi cazul – voi intercala locuri si impresii din 2010, notand anul la fotografiile respective.
Cele trei locuri intens vizitate de romani in Grecia sunt Paralia Katerini, Halkidiki si insula Thassos ( nu neaparat in aceasta ordine). Aici este cea mai mare posibilitate sa-ti intalnesti, in vacanta, compatriotii. Prima mea vizita in Grecia a inceput, din intamplare, cu Paralia Katerini (ma hotarasem tarziu si era singura locatie unde mai existau locuri) dar n-am apucat inca sa scriu nimic despre acel sejur care, in ciuda previziunilor nu tocmai favorabile s-a dovedit unul placut. De fapt, in Paralia Katerini am stat…o zi, restul petrecandu-l in diverse excursii. Am mai vizitat in Grecia insulele Corfu si Lefkada si Rhodos town (excursie de o zi de la Marmaris, Turcia), despre care voi scrie candva.
Ne intoarcem insa acum la sfarsitul lui mai, cand, atrasi de o tentanta oferta de cazare de 150 euro pentru o saptamana de autocatering, am strabatut iar cunoscutul drum prin Serbia si Macedonia (cu un popas de o noapte la Motel Predejane, in Serbia), spre periferia Salonicului si, de acolo, spre Thassos.
 Motel Predejane, Serbia
De data asta am avut o tentativa de a vizita istoricul Philippi (in apropiere de Kavala), dar n-am avut prea mare succes. Accesul la situl arheologic ne-a fost blocat de un orar stupid (de iarna inca!), asa ca locul inchizandu-se la ora 15, la 13.30 cand am ajuns noi acolo, nu am mai fost primiti inauntru! Perimetrul de vizitat este foarte mare si, probabil, au crezut ca nu ne vom intoarce pana la ora 15…In consecinta, “ne-am razbunat” mancand souflaki la o taverna locala, un preot simpatic oferindu-se sa ne mijloceasca conversatia cu patronul. El personal, vorbea engleza si germana.
De acolo ne-am grabit spre Keramoti, unde ne-am asezat in sirul de masini, asteptand ferry-ul care venea dinspre insula. Deasupra acesteia, nori grei nu ne promiteau nimic bun. Cu doi ani in urma, vizitasem insula in iunie, cand, oricum, apa era buna de baie (ceea ce nu a fost cazul acum) si surprizele meteo au fost mai putine.
cheiul din Keramoti
Pescarusii ne-au urmarit intregul drum. Dupa ce am debarcat, am parcurs in cca. o ora jumatate din perimetrul insulei, deoarece Astris se afla in puncul sau cel mai sudic. Spre inserat am ajuns la locul de cazare.

insula Thassos, vazuta din larg


Thassos revizitat 1. Generalitati /Thassos Revisited 1. Generalities — 6 Comments

  1. How nice that you have your period beginning on blogger will tell. You had already begun, I read it but you’re never gone further. Now put up the pictures also herhinneringen and your story tell anybody about Thassos.

    you’re already on zobveel places and gave us so many altos, that I now feel I have a real world to have made 🙂

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