Vacanta de vara / Summer Vacation

During July and August I’ll be at our little chalet in a mountainous area. As you may know from last year, here the internet connection is very low. Sometimes it works, more times it doesn’t. I will try to answer to your comment and visit your blogs and leave comments, whenever possible. For the rest, I’ll catch up in autumn. I have prepared 2 more posts to be publish automatically, and I will publish others from here, when it will be possible. Sorry but I can’t help! I wish you all a nice summer!

In iulie si august voi fi, ca de obicei, in mica noastra cabana de la munte. Cum poate unii stiti de anul trecut, aici conexiunea este extrem de lenta. Uneori merge, de cele mai multe ori nu. Voi incerca sa va raspund la comentarii si sa vizitez blogurile voastre pentru a lasa comentarii, de cate ori va fi posibil. In rest, voi recupera la toamna. Mai am pregatite doua postari pentru publicare automata si, cand va fi cu putinta, voi mai publica de aici. Imi pare rau, dar asta e situatia! Va doresc tuturor o vara foarte placuta!


Vacanta de vara / Summer Vacation — 16 Comments

  1. Traveling Hello Hawk, lots of fun in the mountains in the chalet and holidays. I know how to do Neit blogs to automatically position, but we see so some of your blogs. Lots of fun and we’ll see you.

    Warmest regards, Helma

  2. Da, chiar acum! Multumesc, cartim pentru urari, va doresc si eu la fel!

    Imi pare rau sa o spun dar aici, desi inainte de masa temperatura urca pana la 28-29 grade si e cald,dupa masa o ploaie rapida racoreste imediat. Seara e nevoie chiar de maneca lunga si trening. Daca as putea, v-as trimite si voua un aer mai racoros:)

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