Arigato, Japonia! 18. Templul Chion-in / Arigato, Japan! 18. Chion-in Temple

In the neighbourhood of Gion district and near the Maruyama Park, I visited the Chion Buddhist Temple. It has a monumental wooden gate, erecte din 1621 vy the shogun Takugawa Hidetada. It is the biggest wooden gate preserved in Japan.

Unfortunately, the complex was in a renovation process, so I didn’t see too much. After climbing the flight of stairs ( an action which may absolve you of many sins, I think, because the stairs are many and high), the visitor can see at the right, passing near the purification fountain, a nice white/red pagoda, adorned by an old cherry tree.

Near by, a great golden Buddha and some believers. In another building, where I tried to enter, many people, especially women, sitting on the tatami, were listening to a speaker. It looks to be a kind of course for believers belonging to the Jodo Shu Buddhist sect, as all the women were wearing a mauve yukata, like a uniform.

When I left, a lively music caught my attention. Some women were dancing at the Sanmon Gate, accompanied by a strong and pleasant masculine voice and the beat of a drum. Floating over the cherry flowers, that music stayed with me a long time after I left the temple.

In apropiere de districtul Gion si chiar langa parcul Maruyama, se afla Templul budhist Chion-in. El te intampina cu o poarta monumentala cu doua etaje, cea mai mare poarta de lemn pastrata in Japonia, care dateaza din 1621. A fost construita din ordinul shogunului Takugawa Hidetada. Complexul este cel mai mare din Japonia dar cand l-am vizitat eu se afla, in mare parte, in renovare, asa ca nu am putut vedea prea mult.

Dupa ce urci treptele si stai in cadrul portii imense Sanmon, daca arunci o privire in urma, vezi orasul. Inaintea ta se desfasoara un sir de alte trepte, si multe si inalte, incat am convingerea ca iti speli multe pacate urcandu-le…Poarta are o inaltime de 24 m si latimea de 50 m.

Poarta Sanmon
vedere spre oras de la a doua intrare
 a doua intrare in templu

Dupa ce ajungi sus, in stanga, pe langa fantana de purificare, se poate admira o frumoasa pagoda alb-rosu, bine pusa in valoare de un cires alb, batran.

Intr-o cladire alaturata, cativa credinciosi se roaga unui Budha aurit, impozant.

Incerc sa intru intr-o alta cladire si vad, intr-o incapere, o multime de oameni aszati pe tatami, ascultand un vorbitor. Nu stiu exact ce se intampla dar am senzatia unor adunari religioase sau poate chiar a unui fel de cursuri pentru credinciosi, fiindca vad multe femei mai ales, imbracate in yukate de aceeasi culaore ca si draperiile care impodobesc intrarile, indicand, probabil, apartenenta lor la secta Jodo Shu.

Statea sa ploua, asa ca n-am mai incercat sa intru in gradinile templului, Hojo si Yuzen, ci m-am indreptat spre iesire. Pe masura ce coboram niste trepte laterale spre poarta centrala, atentia mi-a fost atrasa de o melodie antrenanta, foarte placuta, pe care plutea o voce barbateasca minunata. Cand m-am apropiat, am vazut ca intre pilonii uriasi de lemn, pe care se sprijina Poarta Sanmon, dansa un grup de femei. Doi preoti, unul batand ritmul melodiei la o toba, celalalt cantand, luau parte la dansul ceremonial. Mai la o parte, cateva femei, spectatoare ca si mine, au inceput sa danseze si ele, imitand miscarile celorlalte si au fost invitate pe scena si incluse intre dansatoare. Melodia care plutea deasupra florilor de cires mi-a ramas multa vreme in minte, chiar si dupa ce am parasit templul.


Arigato, Japonia! 18. Templul Chion-in / Arigato, Japan! 18. Chion-in Temple — 17 Comments

  1. Wonderful photos,Traveling Hawk!
    Oh,you went to Chion-in.I love this temple,too.
    I guess this temple is strict and photos of mainhall (inside) are forbidden.It is too strict,it is really senseless,But I hope these memories will stay in your mind forever.

  2. A very bijonder this blog Traveling Hawk the view from the stairs is great pity that by the renovation could not penetrate farther. A wonderful series that shows you us here. The golden Boedah earns much respect.

    Greetings, Helma

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