Calator in Thailanda 38. Ofrande budhiste / Traveller in Thailand 38. Budhist Offerings

I wanted to write a post about the offerings because they have been so many, everywhere… Budhism teaches the Thai peolple to give, to offer and they do this by giving alms to the monks and by leaving offerings in front of the Budha and other deities, at the roots of venerable trees, or hanging on branches, on the boats, etc.

To give means to have a better karma or to shorten the way to nirvana. It means purification. 

Nu am putut sa nu dedic o postare ofrandelor budhiste, impresionata fiind de multitudinea lor. In temple, pe ruine, la micile altare ale caselor, la radacinile copacilor venerabili, le-am vazut peste tot. Ele sunt omniprezente in viata thailandezilor, in proportie de 95% budhisti de rit vechi.

Inainte de toate, aceasta religie ii invata sa daruiasca din ceea ce au ei, altora, sa fie fiice si fii ai comunitatilor in care traiesc ca intr-o familie. A darui inseamna a avea o kharma mai buna si a scurta drumul spre nirvana. A darui inseamna a aduce ofrande si a da pomeni calugarilor. Calugarii sprijina spiritual comunitatea, iar aceasta trebuie sa ii intretina. Mananca, de obicei, o singura data pe zi si numai ceea ce le este dat altii.

Ofranda este cea mai veche practica budhista. Ea se dedica lui Budha sau altor zeitati precum si spiritelor flamande. Acestea din urma, renasc din oamenii lacomi, gelosi sau invidiosi si pot face rau. Ele au un stomac urias si o gura si gat subtire, astfel incat nu pot inghiti si raman flamande mereu. Ofranda consta in flori, fructe, apa, lumanari aprinse, ulei pentru lampa, incense si chiar bani. Ea se poate oferi si ca element pregatitor al meditatiei dar si pentru a exprima respectul credinciosilor fata de zei. Prin analogie, fiecare ofranda are sensul sau. Astfel, florile care se ofilesc si mor, amintesc de natura trecatoare a omului, apa spala impuritatile si reprezinta esenta vietii,  lumina (lumanarilor) risipeste intunericul, asa cum intelepciunea vindeca ignoranta.

Va las in tovarasia fotografiilor care va pot explica mai bine ce nu am putut eu.


Calator in Thailanda 38. Ofrande budhiste / Traveller in Thailand 38. Budhist Offerings — 16 Comments

  1. Hello Traveling Hawk! I’ve always found the floral offerings in Thailand so creative and colorful. You’re showing a beautiful array of them. Too bad about the plastic bottle, though (photo #19)… they are becoming ubiquitous. Darn!

    [I’m home in Manila for only a short break and will return to China later this week… I miss blogging, but will have a full plate of work in the months ahead.

    Now I am annoyed that Blogger has removed the “subscribe by email” options on all but the embedded comment form. :-(]

  2. Hi, Francisca, glad to have your comment! In the plastic bottle comes the water offering. of course. They use the original recipient.

    I wish you a nice time home, even if shorter, and a productive one in China!

  3. Great photos and informations my friend!
    The offering, and we are Christians.
    We’re giving away offerings, oil for lamps …
    It’s nice to believe and to offer!
    Best wishes

  4. Traveling Hi Hawk,

    this is a very informative blog about the rituals of the Thai people to sacrifice and honor for purification. You have a whole series of beautifully made​​.

    Greetings, Helma

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