Ilustrate din Siebenburgen

Ținuturile în care s-au așezat , în sec. XII-XIII, coloniști cărora avea să li se spună mai târziu generic sași, se numesc în limba acestora, Siebenburgen, adică Șapte Cetăți. Care sunt acestea? Bistrița, Cluj-Napoca, Brașov, Sebeș, Sibiu, Mediaș și Sighișoara. Prin trei dintre ele am trecut astă vară, cu ocazia celor două tururi care au avut ca obiectiv vizitarea bisericilor medievale fortificate săsești, despre care vi-am povestit până acum.





Câteva ilustrate, pe care n-am apucat să vi le expediez astă-vară, iată-le aici:


DSCN8158 DSCN8157 DSCN8160 DSCN8164Sibiu:

DSCN7968 DSCN7945 DSCN7958 DSCN7912Sighișoara:

DSCN8337 DSCN8336 DSCN8321 DSCN8377

Postcards from Siebenburgen

Siebenburgen or “Seven Fortresses” in Romanian is the territory were colonists, named later “Saxons”, settled during 12th.-13th. century. There are seven medieval towns there, ercted at their beginnings as fortresses: Bistrița, Cluj-Napoca, Brașov, Sebeș, Sibiu, Mediaș și Sighișoara. This summer I spent some hours in three of these: Mediaș, Sibiu and Sighișoara, when I was touring the Saxon medieval fortified churches. I send you now some postcards from each of them,.



Ilustrate din Siebenburgen — 8 Comments

  1. I really loved the lovely pictures taken by you. I love the picture of the bridge with the flowering creepers,the lamp post and the sighisoara entrance to a house, this particular picture makes me feel i am in some village in South India. Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures.
    How are you?
    It has been a long time since we communicated, I will drop often from now onwards.
    During our recent trip to central Europe I kept thinking of you a lot, but I didn’t visit your country. Be well my dear friend.

    • Thank you, rama, for your nice words. I answered already to your comment under the section Contact. I also have seen your posts from Warsaw and Germany. May be at your next visit will be in Eastern Europe, and then you will visit my country too.

      I will start to read your posts, working my way backward. I still have some difficult problems in my life now but I will return to my daily interests. It’s a promise:)

  2. Ma bucur ca am revazut imagini din Medias. L-am vizitat in tinerete, pe cand locuia o matusa de-a mea acolo, dar nu-mi mai amintesc prea multe despre el. La Sibiu ai surprins elemente de arhitectura traditionale zonei.
    Sighisoara este si ea tot “o perla”.

    M-am bucurat sa-l vad pe turistul Caro!

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